As a horror movie screenwriter, I have a pact with the beauty of horror.


They tried to convince me that we live in a perfect world. It's not my fault I see the bloodstains under the rug. In fact, that's my curse. I'm close to the shadows. I feel the cold that inhabits the hearts and minds of human beings. I know fear up close, sometimes I even laugh at it. Inside me, it's always midnight. I like the grotesque, the fantastic, the infamous. I celebrate the dark side of reality with vicious monsters while listening to vinyl records played in reverse. And, above all, with scripts that I dare to write by candlelight. It is useless to resist. I made a pact with the beauty of terror. The horror. And if you like horror movies, we are creatures of the same kind.

Visit my Authors Club profile here.

no excuses

for being who I am

Writing gives me the opportunity to put people in the frying pan of my imagination and fry them like potato chips.

Partial scripts are available in PDF. Register to claim them!

you write, you create skies.

you read, you fly.

what i have written

short film scripts

I think shorts have a bright future... The advantage is the budget.


I write because I feel and see things in my life.

I'm not haunted by anything but the commas I got wrong. That's the only thing I admit to being afraid of, other than that, I haven't found an effective remedy to paralyze my imagination and calm my sense of observation to stop me from writing.


When I sit down to write a story, I don't say to myself, 'I'm going to produce a work of art.' I write because there is some lie I want to expose, some fact I want to call attention to, and my initial concern is getting an audience.

Short Film Scripts

Literatura Roteirística

since © 1999 JOEBACCHIN | Alright, alright! All Rights Reserved for me! 
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